In a world where life is in motion 24x7, humans rarely have time for looking after themselves. We eat junk food because it’s relatively easy to prepare than normal food, we like eating our breakfasts on our way to work because it saves time; we multi-task all the time and look for alternatives to save time. Constantly on the hustle, there rarely is time to look after ourselves; especially when we fall ill. We deem it fit to take a paracetamol or a pain killer and go to work; no matter how painful it is. Don’t ignore the numbing pain Most of the times, we tend to ignore headaches, pain in the joints (especially that of knee joints) and back pains. What almost all people don’t know is that back pain is a devil in disguise. Most of the times, when a person feels that what they have are a normal lower back pain, they have it wrong. With the back pain being a complete nightmare, which does not allow mobility, best spine specialist in Ahmedabad suggests introspecting into the cause...